Essential Immunisations for All Australians

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Getting vaccinated is a crucial part of health and wellbeing as it can prevent serious, sometimes life-threatening diseases.

Join us as we delve into:

  • How vaccines work
  • The HALO principle
  • The importance of boosters and new vaccines
  • Vaccinations for all Australians
  • Accessing vaccines: Your Next Steps

How Vaccines Work

Vaccines help protect us from harmful diseases by basically ‘teaching’ our immune systems how to fight them off.

Each disease is different, so your immune system doesn’t rely on only one defence solution.

When you get vaccinated, your doctor introduces a weakened or inactive form of the germs into your body.

Your immune system then recognises these germs as invaders and creates antibodies to fight them. These antibodies stay in your system, ready to attack if you ever come into contact with the real disease in the future.

So, vaccines essentially teach or train your immune system to defend against specific diseases.

These definitions might help

  • Vaccine: The actual product (usually a liquid in a vial or syringe).
  • Vaccination / getting vaccinated: The action of getting the vaccine, for example an injection into your arm.
  • Immunisation: After vaccination, when you’re protected from the virus or disease, e.g. the flu.

The HALO principle

Understanding which vaccines are needed for each person depends on their unique risk factors. That’s where the HALO principle comes in handy.

HALO stands for: Health, Age, Lifestyle, Occupation. However, everyone’s HALO is different.

A HALO helps assess which vaccines people need based on their risk factors.

Generally speaking, your immunisation needs are influenced by your:

  • Health: If you have health problems like asthma, diabetes, or issues with your heart, lungs, or kidneys for example, getting vaccinated can help keep you healthier.
  • Age: As you age, different vaccines protect you from different sicknesses.
  • Lifestyle: Things you do in your life, like travelling to other countries, having sex, or smoking, or other activities can make you more likely to get sick. Vaccines can help protect you.
  • Occupation: Some jobs, like working in a medical centre, school or daycare, put you around more germs. Getting vaccinated can help keep you from getting sick from those germs.

You can take a look at the HALO brochure for further information.

The HALO brochure can be used to start a conversation with your doctor.

Discuss your HALO and immunisation needs with us today.

The importance of boosters and new vaccines

It’s important to get the right vaccines at different times in your life to stay healthy.

That’s why we have booster shots and new vaccines.

Boosters are like extra doses of a vaccine given later on to keep your immunity strong and ensure we all stay protected. They help your immune system remember how to fight off diseases effectively.

And then there are new vaccines. These are developed to protect against emerging threats or to improve upon existing ones. Just like boosters, they keep your immunity up-to-date and help you stay healthy.

Both boosters and new vaccines are crucial for keeping you safe. Without them, your protection against diseases might fade over time, leaving you vulnerable.

So, make sure you stay on top of both boosters and new vaccines to maintain strong protection against preventable illnesses. They’re like regular check-ups for your immune system, keeping it ready to tackle any health challenges that come your way.

Talk to us about which vaccines require boosters and which new vaccines are recommended based on your stage of life.

Vaccinations for all Australians

The wider healthcare community emphasises vaccinations for Australians based on a range of criteria to help protect against disease and illness.

The Victorian Department of Health and Australian Department of Health and Aged Care provide information on recommended immunisations tailored to different age groups and risk factors.

The National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule is another useful resource.

The NIP schedule is like a roadmap for vaccinations, guiding you from birth through adulthood by indicating when it’s time to get specific immunisations to keep Australia healthy.

A few examples include:

  • All ages (adolescents and adults): Vaccinations against Influenza, Shingles, Pneumococcal
  • 14–16 years of age: Vaccination against Meningococcal Disease
  • Pregnant women: Vaccinations against Pertussis (whooping cough)
  • Immunisations for older people: Diphtheria-tetanus-whooping, cough booster

Note that as we age, immunisations are important because our immune systems can become less effective at protecting from some diseases.

Check the sources listed above for more information, or simply get in touch with us.

Don’t forget travel vaccinations

If you’re planning a trip abroad, certain vaccines depending on your destination can be crucial regardless of how healthy you are or your stage of life.

Check our Travel Vaccine Clinic for a comprehensive range of vaccinations to protect your health while abroad.

The ripple effect of vaccination

Vaccination has a ripple effect that extends far beyond the person getting it. When you choose to get vaccinated, you’re not just safeguarding your own health; you’re also safeguarding the health of those around you – from family members and friends to colleagues and neighbours.

Getting vaccinated plays a vital role in creating a safer, healthier environment for everyone.

Accessing vaccines: Your Next Steps

High Street Medical Clinic are proud advocates in making vaccinations accessible and convenient for our patients and their families

If you would like to find out more about immunisations, there are dedicated healthcare professionals here to assist you.

Schedule an appointment today to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Book appointment.

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